Mentors & Experts
Mentoring is best described as an educational process when mentors share knowledge with the purpose of surfacing potential in their protégés.
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Gediminas Pekšys. Co-Founder & CEO. OXIPIT
Gediminas Pekšys
Co-Founder & CEO
Gediminas Peksys is the Co-Founder/CEO of Oxipit – a startup helping radiologists to be more productive through the use of Deep Learning. Having graduated Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, Gediminas has spent the last 8 years working at the interesection of Data Science and Software Engineering. He won (together with the excellent team at Oxipit) the largest Computer Vision competition in 2017 and helped to build AI community in Lithuania through organizing various meetups and expert discussions.
Tomas Martinkėnas. Director of Engineering, Security and Privacy. Vinted
Tomas Martinkėnas
Director of Engineering, Security and Privacy
Tomas is passionate about maximizing organizational value through privacy and security leadership. He was Chief Information Security Officer in merged at that time and one of the largest financial services providers in the Baltics until changing the sector. Currently, he is the director of Privacy and Security at Vinted – the largest online customer-to-customer marketplace in Europe dedicated to second-hand fashion with a growing community of more than 37+ million customers. Since the early days of his career, Tomas has combined technical and governance knowledge into effective leadership. He is sharing his experience as a keynote speaker at business conferences and academic communities.
Agnė Vaitkevičienė. Executive Director. Lithuanian biotechnology association
Agnė Vaitkevičienė
Executive Director
Lithuanian biotechnology association
I am a vice-president and executive director at Lithuanian biotechnology association, life science product development expert, lector at Vilnius University Life Science Center, EIT Health InnoStars expert, founder of life science consultancy company bioStartas. I believe that biotechnology is one of the most interesting and world changing field, and I am glad to share my passion.
Reda Štarė. Investment manager. Motion
Reda Štarė
Investment manager
I am a serial entrepreneur with experience of building marketplaces, fintech startups. Interested in sustainability and architecture.
Mindaugas Stasionis. Deputy CEO. PayRay Bank
Mindaugas Stasionis
Deputy CEO
PayRay Bank
Mindaugas leads a multifunctional 15+ team in newly established non-bank B2B financing company. Previous to this, he worked in Swedbank for 12 years. Latest position was Head of Corporate Leasing, where he led a sales and product team. Earlier positions were in B2B Large Corporate Department for 4 years as team leader and 4 years as salesperson. Before Swedbank, Mindaugas cofounded association of wood-working companies, freelanced preparing EU structura fund projects, and worked in telecom industry. Mindaugas holds a BSc degree from Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, is involved in Alumni activities, has mentoring training and experience (both as mentor and mentee). Mindaugas’ professional expertise can be useful to students considering positions in sales, banking, or fintech. His mentoring experience can help students, who are considering professional paths and do not yet see clear direction.
Jurga Globienė. Domain Architect. Swedbank
Jurga Globienė
Domain Architect
I am an IT Solution Architect working in the IT area for more than 20 years. In my career, I worked in different roles as well as with different roles. This is the reason why I can guide a person through all the processes and most technologies. I am spending most of my work talking with stakeholders and teams, collecting requirements, and creating solutions. Also, I know and continuously work hands-on with agile practices. But my biggest passion is data and everything related to data – analysis, designing, creating processes, and integrations.
Vytautas Vaškevičius. CEO. Sekasoft
Vytautas Vaškevičius
A leader in the software business with 20 years of experience and IT background, focused on value to Customers, user experience, continuous development, and teamwork. Empower, inspire, and make people better.
Natalija Jonušienė-Lermontova. CEO. DocLogix
Natalija Jonušienė-Lermontova
I help businesses to manage processes in the digital era. Believing that smart and simple IT methods of document managing, processing and storing are the keys to grow a modern, transparent and effective company. For more than 15 years, I worked in public and private sectors, creating easy-to-understand, employee-friendly solutions for different needs.
Today, I’m working as a CEO at DocLogix — leading document and process management systems company, which serves about 350 clients globally.
My main goal is to inspire to think outside the box, both clients and my team. we provide IT services — process and document management are no less creative than other industries. I say, Finding ways to support business in the digital era is a form of art — just like painting, we are filling a canvas with well-thought details. Every day I learn how to be a motivator and inspiring leader. -
Marius Jurgelėnas. Front-end Developer. Argyle
Marius Jurgelėnas
Front-end Developer
I am a self-taught front-end developer for 7+ years with a master degree in chemistry. Currently working at a startup Argyle, I also worked at bigger companies like Wix and Visma, where I was also responsible for hiring and mentoring new employees. Based on my experience I can help to develop the competences required to kickstart a career in IT, including both hands-on programming and the soft skills.
Ona Juodkienė. Senior Vice President, IT Lead for Risk tribe. Danske Bank
Ona Juodkienė
Senior Vice President, IT Lead for Risk tribe
Danske Bank
IT executive with 10+ years experience in IT Operations and IT development within Financial sector with a proven track record of driving huge transformations while at the same time ensuring high quality delivery. A member of Danske Bank Group‘s Diversity & Inclusion Council that is driving the strategic direction towards ensuring a more diverse and inclusive workplace.
Jurgita Aliukonienė. Business Analyst. Tieto Lithuania
Jurgita Aliukonienė
Business Analyst
Tieto Lithuania
Some time ago, everyone who is experienced had started his/her journey from the first small steps. I’m lucky that I had a chance to learn and get experience from other experts. Now I could share many little things with you for your successful starting steps.
Mantas Marčiulaitis. Steigėjas, vadovas. IMDIGITAL
Mantas Marčiulaitis
Steigėjas, vadovas
Organizacinių pokyčių valdymo profesionalas ir poetas, kol kas neparašęs nei vieno eilėraščio. IT sferoje praleidau 15 metų, o prieš trejus iškeitęs sudėtingus technologinius mechanizmus į ne mažiau sudėtingus organizacinius, dabar padedu žmonėms ir komandoms siekti pokyčių. Domiuosi filosofija, gyvenu su muzika, kasdienybę užpildau žemiškais džiaugsmais. Žodžiu, žmogus kaip žmogus, nėr čia ko bijot.
Vilma Škarnulytė. Direktorė, kibernetinio saugumo ekspertė. Emplos
Vilma Škarnulytė
Direktorė, kibernetinio saugumo ekspertė
Vilma is a network security expert with over 20 years of managerial experience. To educate the public on IT security issues, she actively speaks in the press, participates in events and lectures on cyber security topics. Cyber security continues to be one of the most relevant topics in the world, so experts must keep the public informed about the latest developments and how to behave in cyberspace.
Elena Vengrienė. CEO. Software development
Elena Vengrienė
Software development
I have more than 15 years experience in IT area and deep understanding of software development process and business management.
Arūnas Penkaitis. Agile Coach/Business Innovator/IT Expert. AgileCoach LT | CIO LT
Arūnas Penkaitis
Agile Coach/Business Innovator/IT Expert
AgileCoach.lt | CIO.LT
Arūnas is a Agile coach/evangelist @AgileCoach.It, Board Member @IT Management Club (CIO.LT) and IT & innovation & digital transformation expert. Arūnas has twenty-five years of global experience in information systems development, integration within various business verticals, project initiation, and management, product ownership, IT team leadership and stakeholder management, business establishment, and ownership. “IT is just a great tool to help everyone win, but by no means the goal,” says A. Penkaitis.
Mantas Kapočius. Partner, Chief Operating Officer. PRIVACY PARTNERS
Mantas Kapočius
Partner, Chief Operating Officer
Experienced Director of Services with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and operations management industry. More than 12 years of work experience in leading IT management positions at Lithuanian and foreign companies.
In my daily work, I am guided by the premise that taking care of employees’ well-being is the priority and only then the team will be able to overcome the most difficult obstacle which will lead to the greatest success and value growth for customers.
Renata Šumskaitė. CEO. Curve Europe (Finasinės Technologijos)
Renata Šumskaitė
Curve Europe (Finasinės Technologijos)
– certified DiSC professional, coach, business analyst, trainer and keynote speaker
– with 21 years of international management experience “Grow as a Leader” programme co-creator, mentor and executor Key expertise areas: FinTech, Innovation, Business development as well Coaching&Training
Ex Head of Change delivery at Barclays Bank, Head of FinTech Innovation Centre Rise by Barclays, Senior Business Analyst, Director of Sales
Lina Strelkauskienė. Head of IT (CIO). VĮ Valstybinių miškų urėdija
Lina Strelkauskienė
Head of IT (CIO)
VĮ Valstybinių miškų urėdija
I decided to choose a professional path in the field of IT at school. Therefore I purposefully chose to study IT and later on work for an employer in this field. Having started working as an accounting operator 17 years ago, I am currently the head of one of Telia’s IT service management divisions. Technology forces you to constantly learn, be interested in innovation, and be a catalyst for change in everyday life. In this project, I encourage young professionals: the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself!
Aušra Juodgudytė. Enterprise Lean Six Sigma manager. LITTELFUSE
Aušra Juodgudytė
Enterprise Lean Six Sigma manager
Andžej Šuškevič. Manager. BALTIC AMADEUS
Andžej Šuškevič
Andžej su Baltic Amadeus yra jau virš dešimt metų, iš kurių daugiau kaip tris eina generalinio direktoriaus pareigas. Savo karjerą pradėjęs kaip programuotojas, sparčiai kopė karjeros laiptais, įgavo IT sprendimų kūrimo, programavimo paslaugų vystymo, verslo plėtros ir strateginio valdymo patirties bei savo žinių ir gabumų dėka, tapo įmonės vadovu.
What is Mentoring?
There are many talented people left without professional support, which often results in loss of motivation. Mentors make sure that doesn’t happen!
Mentoring is best described as an educational process when mentors share knowledge with the purpose of surfacing potential in their protégés.
Mentors are not school teachers. They’re voluntary professionals that are motivated to pass on knowledge and contribute to Women Go Tech’s talent pool.
The process is based on guidance. Mentoring only serves as a vehicle towards self-realization.
The beauty of the Women Go Tech Acceleration program is that it’s a two-way learning experience, meaning that both parties will gain invaluable knowledge.