We are thrilled about this landmark collaboration between Women Go Tech and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). This partnership is a part of the OSCE’s “WIN for Women and Men” project, aimed at fortifying comprehensive security through gender equality innovations and networking.

Our joint initiative zeroes in on identifying the key challenges that deter Ukrainian women in Central and Eastern Europe from entering the tech industry. The ultimate goal is to uncover actionable insights that can pave the way for these women to integrate seamlessly into the tech job market.

This partnership will not only contribute to the OSCE WIN project’s objectives but will also offer invaluable learning and mentorship opportunities to women impacted by conflict and displacement. We aim to equip these women with the skills they need to thrive in the digital economy.

Lara Scarpitta, OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues, notes, “We believe that inclusive participation fosters peace and stability. Women’s active role in digital spaces is a step towards broader diversity and inclusion in tech and other virtual aspects of life.”

Comprehensive Research

The research will explore various facets, such as education access, skills development, and job placement, focusing especially on the tech industry. The study will span multiple countries in the Central and Eastern European region, including Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukrainian talent abroad. The research is conducted in partnership with Google.org.

The findings will serve as policy recommendations to dismantle the identified barriers, ultimately empowering Ukrainian women to join the tech workforce and fostering greater diversity and inclusion.

Beyond Research

While research is a critical component, our partnership goes beyond that. We are committed to adapting Women Go Tech programs Discovery and Acceleration to cater to the specific needs of Ukrainian women, both in Ukraine and among refugees abroad.

Jarūnė Preikšaitė, CEO of Women Go Tech, says, “This partnership is a milestone in our mission. We aim to adapt our programs to serve Ukrainian women better and to understand the broader challenges and opportunities in the CEE tech job market.”